tel aviv private escort risk - Lenni

Escort Risk Assessment and its Mitigation

It can be a bit nerve racking, entering a private room where a stranger is knowing that i”m going to soon be undressed and being intimate. Yes I fully understand that is part of the work of being an escort, but it still doesn’t change the security situation.

Risk Assessment: Mine and Yours

Yes it is exciting, I’m not going to deny that, and with everything that has an exciting element comes various forms of dangers. In the escorting business, there is the background threat of violence, blackmail, client drunk/on drugs and exposure for me. For the client, blackmail, computer / phone hacked leading to exposure and theft would be their main concerns.

I try to choose my clients carefully, asking relevant questions (some have asked me if I have worked for the mossad).

The Mitigation (escort risk)

So I have a few rules to reduce my risk: Just hotels and not the sleazy kind with the sticky floors. (4/5 star hotels- preferably with discrete entrances). I may require some kind of ID (I prefer Linkedin) or a reference from an escort. Its not really for any kind of physical security (I feel safe enough in the hotel environment), its more the theory of 6 degrees of separation. Israel is a small country and I really don’t want to meet certain fellow Israelis, such as my uncle, my older brother’s friends, professor, colleagues, former army commander, etc. This can mean actually meet physically at a mutual friends wedding or digitally where we become friends on facebook or a whatsapp group.

I am far less concerned with those who are coming from outside the country, I just need to know that they are not living in Israel.

And what about my clients concerns? Happily married with children that doesn’t want his full name, or social account on an escorts gmail? Whereas I fully understand his concerns and can sympathies as we are both taking risks, the client will ultimately have to accept that some risks, with me, are unavoidable.

The Balance

With me, I believe the client will feel comfortable. He will fee confident that I really am independent, and that he is not help supporting some pimp somewhere, nor that he is supporting someone with a drug habit. I want him, through my website and the links to my recommendations to feel confident that I won’t run out with his donation, when he is not looking, that I am not filled with various stds nor will I be arriving stoned or drunk.

I believe he will feel confident that with me he will have a “good time” as well as the GFE that I promise, both intellectual and physical stimulation. And about his identity? I can only hope that after reading through my site and our emails that he will feel confident that I have no use for that information other than for my immediate security.

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