Of course the first thing you want to know, after seeing my pics is what are these “escort services” that I’m writing about.
Its a fair question given the wide variety of services offered and provided by Tel-Aviv Escorts (and there is not always a connection between the two). The FAQ’s below have the most prevalent questions and I’ll be adding to them as time goes by.
Also bear in mind that definitions also vary (GFE being the most vague of them all). For those I’ll be happy to expand upon in an email.
Same goes for those with Fetishes, apparently the types of fetishes seems to be countless. Tell me yours and I promise to do my best.
…..What I am is sexy and cute and in fact I do enjoy escorting, the people I meet and the sex (lots of sex). When it’s no longer enjoyable I’ll stop (as I do have a public profession), but thats not the present and I definitely believe in taking advantage of every minute I can. Did I write how much I enjoy sex?
YES, I live here in Tel Aviv, and have chosen to work as a part-time independent escort. I have no “pimp” no “handler” no “organizer.” Its just me.
I’m glad you asked that. Since I’m very concerned about my privacy, there are certain hotels that I will not visit: Those where I have friends that work there, others are visited by family and friends for their facilities. Others are in some very public areas where my friends and I meet.
Though some clients have actually changed hotels for me, its actually best if you ask ahead of time 🙂
Whatsapp and Emails have a different dynamic to them. Whatsapp “demands” instant replies, is intrusive. Email is less demanding, is slower paced. Since I have a day job I don’t always answer immediately Also, Whatsapp would require me to carry two phones with me, which I don’t need to do with email.
Definitly not. I would have no idea to whom I’m sending my photos. I live here in Tel Aviv as does my family. I also have a regular job. Such exposure would / could be devastating. The pictures used here are excellent body doubles of me, but they are not me for reasons of my own privacy.
After that you’ll be sending me an email, ask a few questions, respond to a few questions that I will have.
If we’re good, we’ll coordinate a day and time to meet and then the magic will begin 🙂
No, upon my arrival I would like to see an envelop with my donation on the table.
Deposits here in Israel are many times simply cons. For more information, click here
I also offer a sympathetic ear and touch for those in need of a more special time with an experienced woman.
I do not have Incall. I shall meet you in a 4/5 star hotel
I am exactly the escort you need, as I will be more than happy to let you have your fetish. Just tell me what it is in our emails, don’t be shy.
Is this you?
“I would love to come up from behind my employee while she is working, point out a few things and slip my hand down her blouse and squeeze her big tits”….can you help?
ME: be glad to, got any more fantasies?
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD). I have regular checkups and protection while interacting with my clients. My health is non-negotiable.
My escorting (I am an independent escort) is for companionship services only, especially the haredi community. I reserve the right to engage with my client in a more intimate manner at my own discretion and it’s no one’s business, especially the pseudo feminists with their “morality issues.”